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Atkins Alternative?

"On the rebound from low-carb? Looking for a better way? New research out of Harvard Medical School suggests that you may be able to have your carbs and eat them too—as long as they’re the right kind of carbs. The study, done in animals, gave two groups of rats the same high-carb diets (almost 70% of calories), but one group was given a diet of low glycemic index (GI) foods that included whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans that released sugar slowly into the blood. The other group was given a diet of high GI foods that included white bread, refined breakfast cereals and concentrated sugars that caused blood levels of sugar and insulin to rise quickly. After 18 weeks, the high GI group had 71% more body fat than the low GI group. The carbohydrate bottom line? The amount of carbs you put on your plate may not be as important as the type. The Harvard researchers are now recruiting volunteers to see if the findings hold true for us humans. We suspect they do.


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