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Being Fabulous

The Dish on Getting Active

The Power of a Personal Trainer - These personal guides to physical fitness are not reserved for the rich and famous anymore. If you have the will and the way to fork over $35 to $100 an hour for a little one-on-one tête-à-tête with an expert, then by all means, give it a try. As any floundering student in school can tell you, there's nothing like individualized tutelage for shortening the learning curve and getting it right the first time. But trainers don't always carry the holy grail of exercise; certification isn't regulated by any state or federal agency. (And you're much better off going to a sports nutritionist for diet advice. Unless, of course, your trainer is qualified to do both!) Having laid those cards on the table, if you're debating whether to sign up with a personal trainer to get you on the right track, there are lots of reasons why it's a good move (it's motivating, your workouts will be more consistent and more effective, and if you've chosen the right trainer, you should get a little ego boost from the "way to go, girl" that you'll hear when you get it right). But the most important advice of all....find someone you feel comfortable with. If all you're looking for is a little guidance and understanding, you don't want to sign up for ten sessions with a workout dominatrix, who's going to make you run screaming from the gym to the nearest exit. Find a trainer who's right for you, and then, instead of asking yourself if you can afford it, maybe you should be asking if you can afford not to?


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