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Table Talk

The Dish on Eating Out

"Check, please" are two of the most fattening words in the English language, says a friend of ours, Larry Lindner, a writer for the Washington Post. But, we say, it's not a fait acompli. Dining out doesn't always have to mean pigging out! It's simply a matter of making the healthiest choices. And stylish women like you eat out a lot!

One of the biggest problems facing dishy women today is portion distortion. Out-of-control portion control. Whatever you call it, we have a problem here that's being watching closly by critics, including Lisa Young, Ph.D., R.D. of New York University, whom we like to think of as the patron saint of portion sizes. She has even gone to the trouble of profiling three degress of portion distortion that you just might find helpful.

First degree, or the less damaging, are fine dining restaurants--the more expensive the restaurant, the less likely you are to encounter out-of-control portion sizes.

Second degree damage, believe it or not, goes to fast-food chains. While they do supersize, at least they make it crystal clear that you're getting the extra-extra large ahead of time.

The third degree, and the winner for the most over-the top portion sizes, is reserved for casual dining restaurant chains. There's no warning that they're going to pile the plate as high as an elephant's eye, but that's part of the show!


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