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Table Talk

The Dish on Entertaining

Entertain More? That's a Laugh!

Before you break out the good china and clear that pile of bills off the dining room table, make sure you've got some funny friends on the guest list. Sharing a meal and a yuk or two has actually been proven to boost your health big time. So keep the jokes flowing with the festivities! Researchers in Japan found that laughing during a meal helped reduce postmeal blood sugar levels (which helps protect against diabetes and its complications, such as heart disease). They think it's because laughter increases energy consumption by working abdominal muscles and might affect the endocrine system, which controls blood sugar. Laughter is also linked to improved blood circulation and helps boost the immune system. Miss Manners always said don't discuss serious stuff like politics or religion over dinner. Keep it light and make entertaining a laughing matter! So, there were these two guys sitting at a bar...


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